Digital Polarization

My group for the digital polarization project researched an article about people absorbing energy from others. In finding the truth behind the statement, I followed some of the links provided in the articles. I quickly found the original study, which proved easily to be factual and scientific–though it only related to algae being able to […]

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Digital Archaeology

I find it so interesting that parts of one product come from all different locations around the world. What saddens me, though, is the conditions in which these parts are made or even when they are thrown out. The sheer amount of e-waste produced every year has me rethinking what I invest my money in. […]

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Culture Module, Complete!

I am happy to say that I made it through my bit-more-than-a-week of blogging! Overall, I only missed one day of posting. I am proud of this, though I really did not like the aspect of having to post every day (though I loved doing the writing itself, the mandatory feeling of it didn’t settle with […]

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Everyone needs a room of one’s own. However, being locked away will slowly take more from you than give. A great way to recharge is to get moving (exercise not always required). I have my own corner where I retreat to write, and a lot of the time I love it. If you can make one of those, […]

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