DO judge a book by its cover

This project proved to be a nice challenge that is different from everything else I am doing in my other classes this semester. The making of the webpage was almost completely trial-and-error, as I incorporated little bits I found online into my own page. After doing some searching, I found a nifty website that gave me all […]

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Image Visualization

I am interested in the image visualization module because it takes things we are used to seeing separately and putting them together to bring about new insights. For my own project, I am interested in comparing the covers of books made popular over the years. I could possibly narrow my search down by genre or top-rated (overall). […]

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Digital Polarization

My group for the digital polarization project researched an article about people absorbing energy from others. In finding the truth behind the statement, I followed some of the links provided in the articles. I quickly found the original study, which proved easily to be factual and scientific–though it only related to algae being able to […]

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Digital Archaeology

I find it so interesting that parts of one product come from all different locations around the world. What saddens me, though, is the conditions in which these parts are made or even when they are thrown out. The sheer amount of e-waste produced every year has me rethinking what I invest my money in. […]

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Culture Module, Complete!

I am happy to say that I made it through my bit-more-than-a-week of blogging! Overall, I only missed one day of posting. I am proud of this, though I really did not like the aspect of having to post every day (though I loved doing the writing itself, the mandatory feeling of it didn’t settle with […]

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Everyone needs a room of one’s own. However, being locked away will slowly take more from you than give. A great way to recharge is to get moving (exercise not always required). I have my own corner where I retreat to write, and a lot of the time I love it. If you can make one of those, […]

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Writer’s Block

It’s all writers’ worst nightmare: writer’s block. It creeps up out of nowhere and suddenly pounces on your writing, separating you and your work. Here are a few things I have found that help me when I lose track of what to write next: Write non-permanent scenes. Free write and see where the story goes. Don’t think, just […]

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Character Building

Today’s topic is a bit more specific than the last few have been. It is also a little more centered on fiction rather than nonfiction, but some concepts can be cross applied. Treat your characters as real people! You may have learned about static/flat and dynamic/round characters in English classes. Those labels speak of the […]

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Productivity? I know what that sounds like: WORK. But here it really means a few simple tasks you can implement to build yourself as a writer, or just plain old person! To start: limit your mindless scrolling. I frequently find myself falling victim to mindless scrolling. Whether it be tumblr or Facebook, once I get started, […]

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Inspiration! Where can I get some? pt. 2

Since writing of any kind originates in a writer’s mind, experiences impact EVERYTHING. But when you sit down and try to draw from your memory bank, you may come up empty handed. You know the ideas and creativity are there somewhere, but why do they suddenly disappear when you need them the most? As I mentioned […]

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